15 Productivity Hacks

July 25, 2023

Productivity is the efficiency of production of goods or services expressed by some measure. Measurements of productivity are often expressed as a ratio of an aggregate output to a single input or an aggregate input used in a production process, i.e. output per unit of input, typically over a specific period of time.

Productivity Image


Work for 25 minutes and take a break of 5 minutes or alternatively, work for 50 minutes and take a break of 10 minutes. Repeat this cycle. After doing all of this for 4 times then you get a 30 minutes break. It is mostly used by students to motivate themselves for studying for long hours.


So, here the idea is that what is our time worth for us in terms of money and then there is stuff that we are doing and that we don’t enjoy then we can think of delegating it to someone else if it is cheaper than the amount we set for that time.

2 minute rule

If there is something that you are supposed to do, and it can be done within 2 minutes then you should do it right now rather than adding it to your to-do list.

Time blocking

This is basically where you block out a certain amount of time for a certain task, ideally you stick it in a calendar. So, when that time comes you end up doing that task for real. When there is an empty gap in my calendar I end up being confused to what should I do in that time but when I have a task blocking that time in the calendar I know what I am supposed to do and If I want to do something else at least I have a default option with me here.

5 minute rule

If you are struggling to get started because of procastination then you should tell yourself that you will only do this task for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes when I have started doing that task I mostly do feel like continuing my work.


Here, The distinction between goals and systems. So goals are that you know the goals you want to achive but systems are the process and the thing that we do to get to our goals and focusing on systems is a extremely useful productivity tip. I often find that if I’m trying to get anything done if I focus on the goal and I fixate on the goal generally the thing won’t get done but if I think about what what system can I build what can I do right now what’s the process I can follow to do the thing then the thing will get done. Rather than having a goal like everyone, who does any kind of sport wants to do really well on it and everyone who’s in the olympics wants to win gold but just having the goal is not enough it’s actually more about what is the system that gets you there.

The Daily Highlight

This is the best most helpful productivity tip you will ever need. The idea behind the daily highlight is that every single day we decide what is the one thing I wanna get done today and we make sure we do that thing.


Instead of dividing your work in 4 different days you can do all of your work in a single day and have the rest 3 days off.

Color Coding

Basically, You color code your calendar depending upon what category it falls under. You can decide it like studying gets a color, exercising gets a color, etc.

To Do List

Doesn’t matter if you use a pen and paper or any app. Noting down your ideas and tasks is always helpful.

Our brain is for having ideas, not storing them.

Consuming content at 2x speed

This is something I got always use. Watching youtube videos or any form of content at 2x speed and slow down during interesting bits. So you save half of your time.


Deadlines Work. They work because they focus the mind and create urgency. They work to get us to file our taxes or finish an assignment. They’re an external lever for the work we have to do. On the other hand, Desserts works too. You don’t need an external force to encourage you to eat desserts after you have finished all your vegetables. It’s something you get to do, not something you have to do. I much prefer get to rather than have to but deadlines are much useful in certain scenarios as well.

Eisenhower Matrix

We divide our work in four quadrants whether it is important or not important or whether it is urgent or not urgent. I personally use this technique while color coding my calendar.


I am personally not a huge fan of goals. I know they are really useful in some parts of your life. Generally I am much more into journey and systems rather than destinations.

Enjoy the Journey

Enjoying the journey is the ultimate productivity hack. When you enjoy your work you are already motivated you rarely get distracted and you don’t need these productivity hacks to force yourself to work. We should know how to make it more fun.